Thursday, March 31, 2005

Blog log

I've recently been fascinated by my stats. So I present to you the top 5 subjects:

5. Kia-Ora

It seems that we all adore Kia-ora [mp3]!

4. Fonts

Yeah, I was surprised too. Who'd've thunk it, it's not just me that likes them...

3. The moon

Earth and Moon is the individual link with the most visits out of everything I've ever posted. Apparently...

2. London Walks

Well, specifically the Blue Plaques, which I think may get some help by being at the top of the page that Jon linked to (see below). But there were a good number for the widening of the pavements in town, too. Man, you lot have strange tastes.

1. Sable and Shuck

OK, so I know most of you are here through Jon Harker's link. Hello! Still, I think I'm safely distant from the game now to look at the ads out-of-game...


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