Friday, January 23, 2004

Mazda RX-8 and the Wankel rotary engine

The Mazda RX-8 looks fantastic. The styling is in Mazda's new house style, which I do like although I'm still unsure about the rear lightbanks. The technology is very intreguing however; Mazda believe they've cracked it this time with their new RENESIS rotary engine. What this has to do with toys I'm not sure. I dunno if this is a CG version of a real (or soon-to-be-real) toy, but Mazda have an animation of their fantastic RX-8 as an Autobot Transformer.

Although it is great- does anyone know why?

Getting back on track, they also have a very interesting couple of sites on the history of the Wankel rotary engine and the problems faced in making it work. I've also included a Howstuffworks listing for the Wankel rotary.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Nature Photos

George took me to learn me some culture this weekend, and en route we took in some fantastic photography at the Natural History Museum. These were:

Friday, January 02, 2004

MS Bob

You know Clipit, the annoying paperclip that guides you through writing a letter in MS Office? It wasn't Microsoft's first attempt at a partonising hand-holding guide. MS Bob was there first.

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