Lewis Carroll's Alice
Inevitably links are often made between artist and their child muses in a sexual, paedophilic context. One of the most well known of these was Carroll. It has been said that he had an unhealthy fascination with one of his photography models, a girl called Alice. His stories written to entertain her and her sisters are well known, but less is known either about the girl herself or why Carroll and the Liddells fell out suddenly, and speculation on the reason has been rife.
J. M. Barrie's Peter
As many people know, all royalties for productions of Peter Pan (and that includes the films) go to the Great Ormond Street Hospital. Although the copyright ran out in 1987, Parliament actually made a statute law to keep it in perpetuity. However Emily Somma, an author who used the characters from 'Peter Pan and Wendy' in a book she wrote to help children deal with growing up.
Her lawyers have brought a case against GOSH in the US on the basis that although that law exists in the UK, it does not apply elsewhere and as such the characters are in the public domain. Normally I'm against copyright extension, but: they're a hospital for sick children, for crying out loud!